开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: / / / / NONSGML kigkonsult。se iCalcreator 2.26.9 / / CALSCALE:公历方法:发布X-WR-CALNAME:化学工程& \;应用化学X-WR-CALDESC: X-FROM-URL: https://chem-eng.utoronto。ca X-WR-TIMEZONE:美国/多伦多开始:VTIMEZONE TZID:美国/多伦多X-LIC-LOCATION:美国/多伦多开始:标准DTSTART: 20221106 t020000 TZOFFSETFROM: -0400 TZOFFSETTO: -0500 RDATE: 20231105 t020000, 20241103 t020000 TZNAME:美国东部时间结束:标准开始:日光DTSTART: 20230312 t020000 TZOFFSETFROM: -0500 TZOFFSETTO: -0400 RDATE: 20240310 t020000 TZNAME:美国东部时间:白天结束:VTIMEZONE开始:VEVENT UID: ai1ec - 21115 - @chem eng.utoronto。ca DTSTAMP: 20230507 t233139z类别:联系人:磷化铝Ansalem \;delicia.ansalem@utoronto.caDESCRIPTION:External members were required to register to receive the link and passcode. Registration closed at 9am on Monday\, November 29th.\nGorda na Vunjak-Novakovic\, Columbia\nHosts: Profs Milica Radisic & Molly Shoich et \n \nThe classical paradigm of tissue engineering involves an integrate d use of human stem cells\, biomaterials (providing a specialized template for tissue formation) and bioreactors (providing environmental control\, dynamic sequences of molecular and physical signals and insights into the structure and function of the forming tissues). This approach results in a n increasingly successful representation of tissue development\, regenerat ion and disease. Bioengineered human tissues are now being tailored to the patient and the condition being studied or treated. A reverse paradigm is emerging in recent years\, with the emergence of “organs on a chip” platf orms for modeling integrated human physiology\, using micro-tissues derive d from human iPS cells and linked by vascular perfusion. The common object ives are to recapitulate the cellular niches that can modulate cell behavi or towards generating functional equivalents of native tissues. To illustr ate the state of the art in the field and reflect on the current challenge s and opportunities\, this talk will discuss bioengineering of clinically relevant tissues and the use of “organs on a chip” platforms for patient-s pecific studies of human patho/physiology.\n______________________________ _______\nGordana Vunjak-Novakovic is University Professor\, the highest ac ademic rank at Columbia University and the first engineer at Columbia to r eceive this distinction. The focus of her lab is on engineering functional human tissues for use in regenerative medicine and patient-specific “orga ns-on-a-chip” for studies of human physiology in health and disease. She i s well published and highly cited (h=132)\, has mentored over 150 trainees \, and launched four biotech companies form her lab.\nShe is serving on th e Council of the NIBIB\, the HHMI Scientific Review Board\, and on numerou s editorial and scientific advisory boards. She was inducted into the Wome n in Technology International Hall of Fame\, received the Clemson Award of the Biomaterials Society\, Pritzker Award of the Biomedical Engineering S ociety\, Shu Chien Award of the AIChE\, Pierre Galletti award of the AIMBE \, and was elected Fellow of several professional societies. She was decor ated by the Order of Karadjordje Star – Serbia’s highest honor\, and elect ed to the Academia Europaea\, Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences\, the N ational Academy of Engineering\, National Academy of Medicine\, National A cademy of Inventors\, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the In ternational Academy for Medical and Biological Engineering.\n \nView the c omplete 2021-22 LLE schedule\nQuestions? Please contact Delicia Ansalem\, Communications Officer & External Relations Liaison delicia.ansalem@utoron to.ca DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211201T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20211201T130000 LOCATION:ONLINE SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LLE: Engineering human tissues for medical impact (Gordana Vunjak-N ovakovic\, Columbia) URL://www.gowithdu.com/event/lle-engineering-human-tissues-for-me dical-impact-gordana-vunjak-novakovic-columbia/ X-COST-TYPE:free X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\ \ n\ \ n\ \ n188金博宝-188金宝搏app官网下载 \ \ n\ \ n

外部成员被要求登记接收th e链接和密码。登记周一早上9点关闭\ Novemb er 29日。

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Gordana Vunjak-Novak ovic\,哥伦比亚

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主持人:教授Milica Radisi c&莫莉Shoichet

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cl assical范式的组织工程包括一个集成使用人类干细胞\,生物材料(为组织提供一个专门的模板fo rmation)和生物反应器(提供环境控制\,动态顺ces的分子和生理信号和见解形成组织的结构和功能)。这种方法的结果在一个日益成功表示组织开发\,再生和疾病e。生物工程人体组织正在为病人和t他条件研究和治疗。反向\ r中的范式是新兴的欧洲年,随着“器官芯片”的出现ing综合人体生理学\平台模型,使用micro-tissues来源于人类我p细胞和血管灌注。共同目标是再保险投降细胞利基市场,可以调节细胞对创害死等效功能的本地组织行为。来说明艺术的状态,反思当前的挑战和opportun以及\,这个演讲将讨论生物工程的临床相关组织es和使用“器官芯片”平台特定的人类patho /生理学的研究。
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Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic是大学教授\,哥伦比亚大学学术排名最高,第一个工程师在哥伦比亚大学获得这种区别。她的实验室的焦点是引擎er功能性人体组织疼痛t-specific病人就医时最多用于再生医学和主诉“organs-on-a-chip”研究人类生理健康的疾病。她发表和高度引用(h = 132) \,指导o版本150学员\,并推出了四家生物技术公司形成她的实验室。

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她是服务委员会NIBIB \,霍华德·休斯医学研究所的科学审查委员会\,众多的编辑和科学顾问委员会。她入选女性技术国际名人堂\跟从埃德•克莱姆森奖生物材料学会\ B iomedical工程学会\普利兹克奖,AIChE \钱煦教授奖,皮埃尔Gall etti AIMBE \奖,和当选的几个专业的惊人。装饰她的顺序Karadjordje明星——塞尔维亚的嗨gh荣誉\,并当选为学术界欧洲\,塞尔维亚Ar ts和科学院\,国家工程院\国家医学科学院o f \,国家科学院发明家\,美国艺术与科学院和国际学院医学和生物学上的每种材料。

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查看完整的2021 - 22米歇尔预算内勒

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问题吗?请联系磷化铝Ansa lem联络的通讯官\ &外部关系delicia.ansalem@utoronto.ca
