
3月16日,2022 @ 12:00 PM - 下午1:00
2022 - 03 - 16 - t12:00:00内


andreas lendlein波茨坦大学

主持人:elodie Passeport教授

“空气中的粒子以各种形状、大小和化学成分存在。有些是自然的,有些是人类活动排放的,还有一些是在大气中由气体形成的。这些气体也可以是自然的或人为的。粒子一旦在空中飞行,在与表面相互作用并沉积之前,可以被风携带数百甚至数千公里。在这次演讲中,我们研究了大气粒子与各种表面相互作用的许多方式——自然植被、农业作物、景观美化、裸露的土壤、水、雪地和城市硬质景观表面。这样的了解对于预测颗粒物的最终命运非常重要,这些颗粒物是被吸入并到达人类呼吸系统,还是在表面沉积并造成损害。在所有来自大气的沉积情况下,主流气流中携带的颗粒必须以某种方式被送到靠近表面的准层流边界层,然后必须穿过边界层停留在表面上。这两个步骤,以及粒子从表面反弹回气流中的第三个步骤,定义了沉积过程。对于高度小于几米的大面积均匀植被,风场和边界层特征是已知的,并且可以根据一系列的颗粒大小和风速来预测植被上的沉积。对于更复杂的植被,如森林冠层,我们通常采用经验方法来估计沉积。 For water surfaces, the hygroscopicity of the particles may need to be taken into account. Deposition on large lakes and the oceans must also account for wave action. Deposition to snow is complicated by the porous nature of the surface, and the fact that the surface area of individual snow crystals may influence the motions of very small particles. Finally, estimating deposition to buildings, roads, and other urban surfaces can be a challenge due to the changes in geometry of the surface over short distance scales. We discuss the special case of estimating particle deposition onto urban surfaces, include a large extensive green roof. Both modeling and measurement of particle interaction with surfaces is presented, and use of well-controlled experimental surfaces in wind tunnels as well as in the ambient atmosphere is discussed as a means of improving our understanding of the deposition process. A separate tutorial covering the airflow and rain impinging on a green roof in Syracuse, NY will be presented. The tutorial will explain the capabilities of a new website showing real-time data and archived data from the green roof. The website is intended for use in the classroom to help students understand the physical processes taking place on a green roof and the functions of a green roof.”

教授悬崖戴维森是锡拉丘兹州锡拉库斯大学民用和环境工程系工程教授的托马斯和科学威尔莫特教授。他还担任环境工程计划总监,以及可持续工程中心主任。他收到了他的B.。在来自卡内基梅隆大学的电气工程中,以及他的美国。和博士。加州理工学院环境工程科学学位。遵循他的博士学位,他加入了土木工程局(目前民事和环境工程)和工程和公共政策部的卡内基梅隆教师,在那里他提供了33年。他于2010年加入锡拉丘兹大学。他在同行评审期刊上有140个出版物,并在会议,研讨会和研讨会上进行了大约200次介绍。他是四个组织中的一名:美国气溶胶研究协会(AAAR),环境工程和科学教授(AEESP),美国土木工程师协会(ASCE),以及锡拉丘兹环境和能源系统卓越中心。他于1999年至2000年担任AAAR总裁。 Davidson’s long-term research interest is transport and fate of environmental pollutants, especially atmospheric acids and heavy metals. More recently, he has studied the role of engineers in sustainable development, focusing on green infrastructure. He has also studied changes in education needed to train an engineering workforce for the 21st century.

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